LH-fit analysis
Here will be :
- General description of the LH-fit method and links to talk/papers
- Performance estimation history
- Crab analysis setup and history
Method description[edit]
Latest talk : https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/3671/contributions/31297/attachments/20334/28370/Lhfit_LSTGeneralMeetingFall2021.pdf
Crab analysis[edit]
Spectrum obtained with the following setup
MC | it-cluster : /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/20200629_prod5_trans_80/particle/zenith_20deg/south_pointing/ |
Code | https://github.com/gabemery/cta-lstchain/tree/lhfit_wl_less1_and_numexpr |
Config r0-dl1 | it-cluster : /home/gabriel.emery/cta/lstchaindev/cta-lstchain-lhfit/lstchain/data/lstchain_lhfit_config_data_v15.json |
Processed DL1 files | it-cluster : /fefs/aswg/workspace/gabriel.emery/lhfit_withasymetry_rebasemaster17052021/data/DL1/v15/merged/ |
Then RF training -> DL2 production -> DL3 creation. Source independent analysis spectrum of Crab data of the 20th of November 2020 (more plots, including a source dependent analysis in the latest LH-fit talk):