LST1School2021 MVA
DL2 analysis[edit]
- Login in La Palma cluster instructions: Requirements.pdf
- Running remote notebook in the La Palma IT cluster
ssh cp01 source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/ conda activate lstchain-v0.8.2 jupyter notebook --no-browser ssh -NfL localhost:8889:localhost:8889 monica.vazquez@cp01 Open URL of notebook in local browser
- Install lstchain in your local machine
LSTCHAIN_VER=0.8.3 wget$LSTCHAIN_VER/environment.yml conda env create -n lst -f environment.yml conda activate lst pip install lstchain==$LSTCHAIN_VER pip install lstmcpipe==0.5.1
- Repository of example notebooks: 2022_01_lstchain_school
- Install school software/data in your local machine & get data
conda install -c conda-forge -n base mamba git clone cd 2022_01_lstchain_school mamba env create -f environment.yml mamba activate lst-school-2022-01 rsync -a cp01:/fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2022/ data/
- LST1 + MAGIC analysis
ssh cp01 source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/ conda activate lst-school-2022-01-magic-lst1 jupyter notebook --no-browser ssh -NfL localhost:8889:localhost:8889 monica.vazquez@cp01
cd /Users/monicava/LSTSCHOOL3/2022_01_lstchain_school/gammalearn mamba env create -f environment_glearn.yml conda activate glearn
- ViTables
conda create --name vitables pytables pyqt conda activate vitables pip install ViTables ./ViTables &