Logbook DriveTest Oct18

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Date Team Action Comments Documents Images
2018-10-15 qui quo qua Drive Tests aaa doc Image: 200 pixels
2018-10-21 Armand Cabling Splice 24OF OM3 stereo trigger in cabinet 30A1 - Installation 4OF OM3 camera trigger from 60 to 62 - Splice in 62 - Installation switch profinet in 60 - recabling power in 62
2018-10-22 Armand Cabling Splice 24OF OM3 patch cord in drive container
2018-10-22 Ino - Thierry - Armand Drive Tests Problem with locking system. The clamp was not opening correctly. Issue with az locking after first az movement. Position of thread not coinciding perfectly with holes on east boogie. Upper part of boggie seem to have moved toward central pin by a few mm.