Mrk501 FermiLAT David

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Time Bins[edit]

Spectrum without EBL[edit]

Best Model[edit]

[ModelTester]: Summary of the results

PowerLaw Log(Like) = -183377.5202224931

LogParabola Log(Like) = -183377.99710528683 TS = -0.9537655874737538 Pvalue = 1.0

PLSuperExpCutoff Log(Like) = -183377.29000914513 TS = 0.4604266959358938 Pvalue = 0.49742462377960195


SED with energy bins :

SED Markarian501 PowerLaw.png SED Markarian501 PowerLawResPlot.png

[Result]: Decorrelation energy : 1.91e+03 MeV

[Result]: Diffential flux at the Decorrelation energy : 3.89e-11 +/- 1.08e-12 ph/cm2/s/MeV

[Result]: SED value at the Decorrelation energy : 2.27e-10 +/- 6.31e-12 erg/cm2/s

PowerLaw with EBL[edit]