PG1553+113 FermiLAT David

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Time Bins[edit]

PG 1553+113



59294.5 59295.5
59311.5 59295.5
59312.5 59313.5
59314.5 59315.5
59324.5 59325.5
59342.5 59343.5
59369.5 59370.5
59370.5 59371.5
59371.5 59372.5
59374.5 59375.5

Spectrum without EBL[edit]

Best Model[edit]

[ModelTester]: Computing loglike value for PowerLaw

Loglike Value for PowerLaw : -8646.59513437192

[ModelTester]: Computing loglike value for LogParabola

Loglike Value for LogParabola : -8644.751521085296

[ModelTester]: Computing loglike value for PLSuperExpCutoff

Loglike Value for PLSuperExpCutoff : -8644.496175550037

[ModelTester]: Summary of the results

PowerLaw Log(Like) = -8646.59513437192

LogParabola Log(Like) = -8644.751521085296 TS = 3.687226573249063 Pvalue = 0.05483071721340449

PLSuperExpCutoff Log(Like) = -8644.496175550037 TS = 4.197917643767141 Pvalue = 0.04047365023293448


SED with energy bins :

SED PG1553 PowerLaw.png

[Result]: Decorrelation energy : 1.92e+03 MeV

[Result]: Diffential flux at the Decorrelation energy : 5.28e-12 +/- 9.81e-13 ph/cm2/s/MeV

[Result]: SED value at the Decorrelation energy : 3.11e-11 +/- 5.77e-12 erg/cm2/s

28 Index: -1.745e+00 1.244e-01 -6.000e+00 -5.000e-01 ( 1.000e+00)

PowerLaw With EBL[edit]