PG1553+113 Preliminary Analysis with lstchain v0.9.x Priyadarshi
PG1553+113 Preliminary Analysis with lstchain v0.9.x Priyadarshi[edit]
General information[edit]
- Name of the source: PG 1553+113
- Brief description of the source:
- Object type : AGN
- Redshift (z) : 0.433 Dorigo Jones et al
- BL Lac
- RA: 15 5543.044 (hh mm ss), Dec: +11 11 24.365 (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 238.92934976, 11.19010155
- Analysis by Chaitanya Priyadarshi (IFAE -
Data-taking information[edit]
- Dates of data-taking: 20210321, 20210407, 20210408, 20210410, 20210420, 20210508, 20210604, 20210605, 20210606, 20210609, 20220228
- 20210321 (0.31 h)
- ZD range (deg): [39.76]
- AZ range (deg): [108.39]
- Runs: 4207
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- 20210321 (0.31 h)
- 20210407 (1.11 h)
- ZD range (deg): [18.42, 26.43]
- AZ range (deg): [197.5, 231.14]
- Runs: 4333 - 4336
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210407 (1.11 h)
- 20210408 (0.43 h)
- ZD range (deg): [17.71, 18.46]
- AZ range (deg): [183.62, 198.43]
- Runs: 4343, 4344
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210408 (0.43 h)
- 20210410 (1.96 h)
- ZD range (deg): [17.48, 48.84]
- AZ range (deg): [100.79, 190.59]
- Runs: 4363 - 4370
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210410 (1.96 h)
- 20210420 (0.29 h)
- ZD range (deg): [20.15, 22.06]
- AZ range (deg): [211.01, 219.81]
- Runs: 4514, 4515
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210420 (0.29 h)
- 20210508 (0.83 h)
- ZD range (deg): [34, 42.45]
- AZ range (deg): [105.21, 114.84]
- Runs: 4652 - 4654
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- 20210508 (0.83 h)
- 20210604 (0.88 h)
- ZD range (deg): [18.8, 24.67]
- AZ range (deg): [131.9, 162.59]
- Runs: 4902 - 4905
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210604 (0.88 h)
- 20210605 (0.79 h)
- ZD range (deg): [33.95, 41.33]
- AZ range (deg): [245.96, 253.11]
- Runs: 4930 - 4932
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- 20210605 (0.79 h)
- 20210606 (1.28 h)
- ZD range (deg): [18.21, 27.27]
- AZ range (deg): [125.81, 172.56]
- Runs: 4940 - 4943
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210606 (1.28 h)
- 20210609 (0.89 h)
- ZD range (deg): [19.11, 28.35]
- AZ range (deg): [123.68, 139.46]
- Runs: 4987 - 4989
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20210609 (0.89 h)
- 20220228 (0.53 h)
- ZD range (deg): [27.35, 31.3]
- AZ range (deg): [118.52, 125.52]
- Runs: 7153, 7154
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- 20220228 (0.53 h)
Monte Carlo information[edit]
For energy-dependent cuts[edit]
- Link to MC DL2 files used:
/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/20200629_prod5_trans_80/{particle}/zenith_20deg/south_pointing/20220303_v0.9.3_prod5_trans_80_zen20az180_dl1ab_tuned_psf /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/20200629_prod5_trans_80/{particle}/zenith_40deg/south_pointing/20220304_v0.9.3_prod5_trans_80_zen40az180_dl1ab_tuned_psf
- Particle types: point-gamma (offset=0.4 deg), proton, electron
- ZD (deg): [20, 40]
- AZ (deg): [180, 180]
DL1 data[edit]
This includes whether you use LSTOSA, specific versions of lstchain, dllab scripts, cleaning levels, and calibration information.
DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9)
- original real DL1a data
- lstchain v0.9 tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS, dynamical cleaning)
- MC (zen 20 deg): tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning, PSF tuning
- MC (zen 40 deg): tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning, PSF tuning
Random forest[edit]
- lstchain v0.9 source-indep, zenith 20 deg, azimuth 180 deg, dynamic cleaning, PSF tuning
- lstchain v0.9 source-indep, zenith 40 deg, azimuth 180 deg, dynamic cleaning, PSF tuning
DL2 data[edit]
/fefs/aswg/workspace/chaitanya.priyadarshi/real_data/AGN/PG1553/v09x/tailcut84/DL2/real/src_indep/{Date} The DL2 files were trained using RF model, with zenith 20 deg, for runs with zenith pointing less than 30 deg, and with RF model of zenith 40 deg, for otherwise
DL3 data selection[edit]
For energy-dependent cuts[edit]
Information about your DL3 data selection.
- intensity > 0
- r: [0, 1]
- wl: [0.01, 1]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 1]
- source-indep
- gh_efficiency: 0.8
- theta_containment: 0.8
For global cuts[edit]
Information about your DL3 data selection.
- intensity > 0
- r: [0, 1]
- wl: [0.01, 1]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 1]
- source-indep
- global_gh_cut: 0.7
- global_theta_cut: 0.2
High-level analysis[edit]
- lstchain Tools to generate source-independent IRF and DL3
- Science Tool: gammapy 0.20.dev309+gb11005a (Developer build to extract signal from energy-dependent regions)
- point-like IRF, 1D analysis
A total of 9.3 hrs of data was analyzed
For DL3 data reduction to DL4 dataset,
- OFF regions selected - 1 Wobble
- Safe Energy mask for systematics - No
- Energy axes -
- True: 50 GeV to 100 TeV with 10 bins per decade
- Reco: 10 GeV to 40 TeV with 5 bins per decade
For spectral analysis,
- Model used - Log Parabola, Power Law
- Reference energy used by calculating the decorrelation energy with a Power Law fit, 107 GeV
- Spectral Fit energy range - 10 GeV to 40 TeV with 5 bins per decade
- Spectral fit with gammapy default optimization - minuit
Analysis Results[edit]
Theta2 plot[edit]
For energy-dependent cuts[edit]
Significance map[edit]
Excess map[edit]
Spectral results[edit]
For energy-dependent cuts[edit]
Preliminary LC and SED, for the full dataset-
- With Log Parabola model
- With Power Law model
For global cuts[edit]
- With Power Law model