The LST1 site is located in the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM), in the island of La Palma, Spain. The ORM is part of the European North Observatory managed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC).
To reach the ORM site from Santa Cruz de La Palma airport or harbour you will need a car or a taxi. The trip is around 54 km and takes 1 hour and a half. The road winds up through hundreds of turns, many of them hairpin, with an altitude difference of 2100 m. Follow the safety regulations regarding driving to and from the site by yourself. Cars can be rented at the airport. You can hire a taxi at any taxi stop in the island, the Roque is a well known destination. To drive down you can order the taxi in the Residencia reception desk. Fare should be around 50 EUR.
At the entrance of the Observatory are the buildings of the Residencia, where you can eat and sleep. The reception desk is open daily from 9:00 to 19:00. Rooms have to be reserved in advance of your arrival. If you want lunch or dinner you have to announce it one day in advance at the reception desk. Room bookings have to be done during working days using the web form (select LST as telescope.) If you work during the day and sleep at night, request a room in the mail building, not in the annex. Keep in mind that people may sleep at any time of the day and night. Avoid any noise in and around the Residencia. At night avoid any light pollution, turn off unnecesary lights, lower blinds and close shitters, and drive with minimal light. Always use the parking lots for your vehicles.
The ORM site is located in a high mountains area, usually above the clouds. Temperatures vary from a minumum of about −10°C in the winter (December until March) to a maximum of 26°C in July/August during the calima season. Don't underestimate the serious effects of the altitude and the weather on your health and safety. The situation can can vary from dry, hot and sunny days with very high UV component during summer, to snow and ice storms with temperatures below zero during winter. Follow the safety regulations concerning adverse weather conditions.
If you are planning on staying at sea level for your time in the island, consider booking an apartment in Los Cancajos or Santa Cruz, close to the airport on the east side of the island. We suggest to check availabilitiy in the apartments Oasis San Antonio or El Cerrito. You can also book in the hotels Taburiente Playa, Las Olas or El Galeon.